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A New Twist On An Old Classic!

Responsive touch screens make drawing and painting with the Procreate Pocket feel remarkably natural. Tap harder and your line gets longer, thanks to 3D Touch capability. Switch between multiple layers of colors in the paint palette with ease, using exactly the same visual palette as the software’s other applications.

The only thing missing from the App Store for iPad versions of Procreate Pro are the sounds that come with it. You can buy actual instruments within the app, but the sounds aren’t quite as lifelike as they could be. They’re simply there to make the whole experience of using the iPad more lifelike, however. It would have been nice to hear those drumsticks hit the strings, for instance.

If you really want to get your hands on some instruments, the Procreate iPad version comes with an amp and an effects rack. You also get access to a number of sample instruments, which makes the iPad a complete music workstation, too. The built-in iaps device allows you to connect to the Procreate guitar amp through the ipad, which means you’ll never have to fiddle around with external speakers again. Those who don’t own an ipad may feel a little short-changed, but those who do own an iPhone will feel like they’ve been missing out. Not only does the Procreate Pocket play a variety of instruments, it can also connect to the live version of Procreate so you can play along with a band right from your bed!

Even if you don’t play an instrument, you can tap into the Procreate iPad version’s guitar kit library. If you haven’t been able to master tapping, there are actually six different kits available in which you can hone your finger picking skills. And of course, with the iaps device you’ll never be stuck for a good riff again.

While most people would think that the guitar in a hand-held device is more advanced than the one that plugs into an amp, the fact is that the Procreate Pocket actually has the same guitar interface as the regular version. This means that even if you don’t have any musical experience, the iPad’s Procreate app can handle all of your basic needs. When you have an idea in mind and/or are just looking for inspiration, it’s easy to flip through the hundreds of songs featured in the Procreate app. At the time of this writing, it features over 40 songs in total, so you should always be able to find something you like.

The Procreate app is also compatible with the iPhone X, so you can turn your new device into a powerful modeling and practicing tool. Even the most seasoned guitarists will appreciate the ability to play along with high quality audio recordings for hours on end. If you have a new guitar or a gift for someone who does, then the iaps and procreate pocket models are both perfect gifts for you. You’ll save time and money when you use them to create high quality music and videos.


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